Website Update
It can be found at
I would ask that you bear with me while it grows and I overcome the teething problems.
Yours in randomness!
The Seasonal Post of Merry Thankfulness!
The start of December saw Genevieve and my mom head up to Dundee so that Genevieve could take part in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to aid the healing of her spine. This at some rate seems to have been a useful excercise. The wound on her back is apparently experienceing 'over-granualisation' meaning its healing at a faster rate then expected! Which is awesome!
This month also saw Genevieve and myself turn 18 - how the years have passed! Geeves was at school for most of the day so a group of friends and myself went to the cinema to watch the new HP Sauce film, not one of the best of the series I must was awfully fast paced and soo much had been missed out to squeeze it into the hour an a half, I'm hoping and praying that when it comes out on DVD there might be a 'full' version or directors cut version so that we can watch the whole thing rather then what they can squeeze into the time slot. *shakes fist at director* I think they would have been better making it into two films or something, or maybe having the lead up to the 4 tasks as a short before the film, then having an interval and then having the 4 tasks. Bah Humbug! It coulda been an awesome film but instead it was a mediocre although the bit where the two boys are hit by a cross "chemistry" teacher is hilarious, not that I'm condoning violence, but that "Chemistry" teacher is my favourite character and there wasn't nearly enough of him in this film.
Anyhooo....I'm rambling, after the film we all came back to my house where there was munchies such as pizza and dips and shall we just say 'beverages to embibe' :P it is after all all legal and above board in this country now - w00t!
Then we had chocolate cake in the shape of a hedgehog! And the best bit? was that it had white chocolate buttons for its spines, funky or what!
Once we had digested cake and food etc, we opened presents and I think I can safely say I had one of the best birthdays ever! I received from my parents a DAB digital radio as well as new snowboard bindings! I can't wait to test them out in February when we go skiing/snowboarding at half term.
Once that was cleared up we played Twister under the mistletoe including extra rule that a kiss was to be exchanged should you end up face to face underneath the mistletoe...lets just say that twister can lead to some very interesting photographs. (apologies for quality of pics, they were taken on my mobile phone)

It snowed here the other day! Okay so its only about two cm worth and its all melting now but still we atleast had some snow! Some places in the UK had up to 8 inches of the stuff, shame we didn't get that much but I suppose I can't really grumble, after all we did get some in the end. Its raining now as the temperatures rise making the whole place look really rather depressing but hey ho, chin up. Check out the Christmas tree in Morpeth all covered in Snow and looking very festive.
Anyway I think that about rounds this post up, If you made it this far congratulations are in order, that was a bit of a long post to put it mildly lol. Heres to hopeing you had a good Christmas and we shall speak again in the new year! Look out 2006 here we come!
May God bless you and inspire you always!
Yours in randomness!
Operation Christmas Child
Well today saw the end of an era for me, it was sad to see the boxes packed into the van to be taken to the depot knowing that after 5 years thats the last time I'll be doing that with the school. I must admit there was a tear in my eye as the 755 boxes were packed into the van and the check was handed over...its scary to think that this time next year I don't actually know what I'll be doing...I'm wanting to take a gap year but I don't know what to do yet. hmmm anyhoo so yeah, the herald came and did a photo shoot with us :D we built a wall of shoe boxes across the hallway and stood behind it :D holding a box each. The photographer then took loadsa pics! It was amazing, can't wait for the next issue of the herald.
So yeah I wish King Edwards the best of luck for next year in doing Christmas child, and I hope they continue to break records with the appeal.
Only 15 days till my 18th birthday - yayness!
Only 17 days till Christmas - double yayness!
Only 9 days till a beautiful candlelit dinner avec my boyfriend - triple yayness!
Only 9 days until Genevieve comes home too - quadruple yayness!
God bless and inspire you always!
Yours in His hands
Stupid Filters!
I'm really not impressed with the school filters, for some reason they have taken a dislike to blogspot and banned it meaning I can't view peoples blogs at lunchtimes! It also means I have difficulty updating mine as bits of the site are banned and other bits aren't.
SO what does this mean?
Basically until I work out how to publish from my email using the thing I set up, my updates of this here blogspot will be very infrequent. *sigh*
Only 16 days till my 18th birthday - yayness!
Only 18 days till Christmas - double yayness!
Only 10 days till a beautiful candlelit dinner avec my boyfriend - triple yayness!
Only 10 days until Genevieve comes home too - quadruple yayness!
Total boxes as I left today: 734 packed plus about 20 empty (there is tonnes of stuff to go in them) We should just about beat last years total!
The van arrives tomorrow morning and I'm going to help load the van :D
Oh and I discovered today that the picture I didnt think they had used in the Herald last year when they ran an article on the schools involvement with OCC, is on the website!
I'm the second person from the front with the gold coloured box :D
Yours in His hands!
The Post of many names...
Only 18 days till my 18th birthday - yayness!
Only 20 days till Christmas - double yayness!
Only 12 days till a beautiful candlelit dinner avec my boyfriend - triple yayness!
Only 12 days until Genevieve comes home too - quadruple yayness!
Heheh hyperness - too much Cherry Coke lol
Ahem...on with the rest of the post...
I had a sleeppver at the weekend with Ruth and Sophie, two of my best mates from school, and we watched a couple of movies and chatted untill the wee hours. What a night!
We watched Tim Burton's 'Edward Scissorhands' which is an absolutly amazing film! I definitly recommend it...Edward is a wonderful character who's outcast, misunderstood by suburbia because of how he looks and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Loved it! I'm turning into a regular Tim Burton Anorak! He is an amazing director! Plus five of his films have Johnny Depp in the castlist.
We also watched 'Bridget Jone's Diary: The edge of reason' and we couldn't have picked a better film for a girly sleep over I don't think...its a beautiful film filled with romantic comedy hysterically funny but so sweet at the same time. Loved it.
BOX TOTAL FOR OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: 659 at last count that are filled, we might just beat last years count of 750.
God bless you and inspire you always!
Yours in randomness!
God is indeed good.
Hawk Nelson - Things we got through
Billy made a promise but didn't end though
Carrie had a dream but she threw it out the window
Kevin met a nice girl who broke his heart and
his friends never told him but they knew it from the start and.
These are the things we go through/ Let's take control and be ourselves Let's not waste time wondering about
How were gonna make it out
Wake up everyone around you
Lets rock until the clock strikes two
Stand up for what you believe and shout to
Heres another song from the youth that surround you
Kyles parents split up, he thinks its his fault
Little does he know that the time they're in was difficult
Andrea she left home, said she had enough
All she really wanted was somebody else there to love
She's all alone again, its the same old argument
And she needs a helping hand to help her find the truth
These are the things we go through
Let's take control and be ourselves
Let's not waste time wondering about
How were gonna make it out
Wake up everyone around you
Lets rock until the clock strikes two
Stand up for what you believe and shout to
Heres another song from the youth that surround you
Save me I’m all alone as I'm coming to the surface
Tell me I've got to know whats my meaning and my purpose
Show me I'm far from home lost with no sense of direction
Take me to Your throne
Billy made a promise but didn't end though
Carrie had a dream but she threw it out the window
Kevin met a nice girl who broke his heart and
his friends never told him but they knew it from the start and
These are the things we go through
Let's take control and be ourselves
Let's not waste time wondering about
How were gonna make it out
Wake up everyone around you
Lets rock until the clock strikes two
Stand up for what you believe and shout to
Heres another song from the youth that surround you
These are the things we go through
Let's take control and be ourselves
Let's not waste time wondering about
How were gonna make it out
Wake up everyone around you
Lets rock until the clock strikes two
Stand up for what you believe and shout to
Heres another song from the youth that surround you.
The lyrics of this song resonated inside me and I realised how lucky I am that Jesus died on the cross to save me, I thought about the pain he went thru on my behalf and the amount of love that must have taken...and realise that I am looking at this from the wrong direction. God love s me more then anything, he sent his only son to die for me. He isn't out to harm me, He loves me too much and it hurts him to see me suffer he hasn't left me alone to cope with this. He is there every weary step of the way.
Glory be unto him, saviour, redeemer, abba, father.
God bless you and inspire you always!
Yours in randomness!
Severe Weather Warnings issued for the UK
This is from the Met office website.
Current warnings:
EARLY WARNING of Heavy Snow and Blizzards Issued by the Met Office at 10:15 on Tuesday, 22 November OVERALL RISK ASSESSMENT: The probability of disruption due to severe weather conditions in part of the United Kingdom within the next 102 hours is 80 percent. This warning is an update to that issued at 10:45 on Monday 21 November 2005.
The Met Office is forecasting a period of cold and very strong northerly winds to extend across the UK from Thursday to Saturday, with all areas at risk of seeing some snow. Current timings suggests the onset of the very cold weather will be around 0600 Thursday in Shetland, 1800 Thursday for Northern Ireland across to northern England, and 2359 Thursday for southern parts.
Areas at highest risk for snow are northern and eastern Scotland, Northern Ireland and northeast England. In these areas winds will also reach severe gale force. Showers will fall as snow widely over high ground where local blizzard conditions are expected giving significant accumulations of snow with drifting. Snow will also occur at low levels including more populated areas at times, especially over the northern half of the UK, where localised accumulations of a few cm of snow are likely. Later on Friday and into Saturday, there is a risk of snow affecting southern and central areas of England. Confidence for this particular aspect is low to moderate at present and further updates will be provided.
This warning will be updated by 1030 on Wednesday 23 November 2005.
*Does the yay snow dance*
I'm def keeping my fingers crossed here - I'm soooo excited - it better snow now lol.
Yours in randomness!
It never rains but it pours...
Genevieve had her fusion end of August time and the operation was a success...she looks so straight now its incredible! However the road to recovery is ever a rocky one and Geeves is currently back in hospital with something called a caphotic junction(sp?) which bascially means the top of her spine which isn't fused (this is very little of it lol) is bending away from the rods and recently this became infected and eventually broke the skin. They are operating tomorrow to clean the wound and trim the rods abit to try and prevent this happening again. Mr Gibson the consultant reckons though that the bacteria infecting the wound are actually in the rods themselves meaning that this infection is likely to flare up on a regular basis! This apparently could mean regular hospital stays over the next two years.
I'm struggling with my faith over this, clinging to the knowledge in Jeremiah 29:11
" For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
But God if your so great why does this happen! It feels like your ignoring me, Lord in my darkest hour I pray be with me. May you draw near to me in my pain as I struggle to comprehend what is happening.
Yours in randomness!
Mocha alla RandomGoth
- Instant coffee granules - too taste (this depends on how strong you like your coffee, I reccommend 1 tablespoon of coffee. What type of coffee? Dosen't matter - this was made orginally with Nescafe Gold Blend as it was all my rents had in the house - please if you can use FAIR TRADE)
- One table spoon of unsweetend cocoa powder - (again doesn't matter what variety - I used Rowntrees as thats what was in the cupboard)
- One tablespoon plus two teaspoons of white sugar
- Two teaspoons of Nesquick instant chocolate or a varient thereof - (Should you have no instant chocolate then substitute for half an additional tablespoon of cocoa and one and a half teaspoons of additional white sugar)
- Two tablespoons of milk -( doesn't matter what type - I prefer semi-skimmed)
To enjoy simply mix the above ingriedents together with hot boiling water in a mug and enjoy.
Some tips:
- Don't leave this to get cold, its foul when cold!
- Don't eat/drink the gunk that you get at the very bottom, it will make you shudder all over and go ewwww. Don't say you were not warned!
(C) RandomGoth Inc. 2005. Please don't steal my recipe without crediting me in some way!
I hope you get much bliss from drinking this coffee. As a favour for imparting this please abide by my copyright rule, I've been working on this for months! Grrr If you break it I will set my fierce cat Thor on you...don't invoke the wrath of Thor, you will regret it!
God bless you and inspire you always.
Yours in randomness!
The Reluctant Sudokuist
My website is currently undergoing a major rehaul and revamp, which I hope to have finished by the end of this year. I am streamlining it and creating a more mature design to it as well as removing those awful frames and clashing colours! I've learnt alot about site desgin over the last year or two and I'm trying to apply them to my site.
Current status: 4 and a half sections to finish - they are 'About me', 'photos', 'Young Carer', 'Links' and 'Enjoy Meat?'
- Need to get my guest book up an running again
- Young Carers section may take awhile and consequently might launch the rest of the site while I work on this section.
- Considering a section on 'Self-harm' but this is very much on the drawing board.
- A news section is a possibility although I may just link to this blog spot as I can edit it anywhere.
- When I turn 18 at Christmas, I'm going to sign up for Googles 'Adsense' in the hope that my site might actually generate enough to buy a proper domain name. *fingers crossed*
- Need to re-do Pete's memorial page
MY LYRICS OF THE DAY - Disciple - Rise Up
I will not stand silently by as you mock and curse my GodStand against Him; you will be brought down Here I come; I’m bout to rise up All of my people, we’re ‘bout to rise up Here we come now, we’re ‘bout to rise up. All of my people, we’re bout rise up. You bark accusations that paralyze my brothers in fear.Only a small spark starts an unquenchable fire. - Christian, Heavy Metal! Rooawwrrr!
Running Box total = 323
Okay thats all for now folks!
In His hands.
God bless you and inspire you always!
Yours in randomness!
Yep I've joined the bandwagon...
- Current status: 4 and a half sections to finish - they are 'About me', 'photos', 'Young Carer', 'Links' and 'Enjoy Meat?'
- Need to get my guest book up an running again
- Young Carers section may take awhile and consequently might launch the rest of the site while I work on this section.
- Considering a section on 'Self-harm' but this is very much on the drawing board.
- A news section is a possibility although I may just link to this blog spot as I can edit it anywhere.
- When I turn 18 at Christmas, I'm going to sign up for Googles 'Adsense' in the hope that my site might actually generate enough to buy a proper domain name. *fingers crossed*
- Need to re-do Pete's memorial page
I am so heartly sick of school, I can't wait to get out and start making a name for myself. I'm currently working thru my UCAS application with the aim of doing 'English Language and Linguistics'. I've been visiting University open days around the country, top of my list is currently Swansea Uni as I was not overly enamoured with Portsomouth Uni.
School is cracking the whip again, coursework deadlines and exams loom hard on the horizon and this world weary traveller is dragging her feet. As a result work on my website is expected to slow for a while as I desperatly try to meet these inhuman deadlines!
So what else is happening in the life of RandomGoth? Well plenty, probably too much! I recently got into a relationship with the very lovely Thomas Moon after nearly two years of flirting with each other and I couldn't be happier with him. If I get his permisson I might post a piccy of the two of us together, I might even just post it *evil grin*
Bass guitar is going slowly, school work and website have been getting in the way, hopefully with a couple of deadlines coming up I'll have a little bit more time to practice. I shall keep you guys updated on this.
Baptism is also on the books, I'm hoping its gonna happen soon, provisional date I think of 23rd November...but its very provisional. I'm excited about taking this step in my faith, I feel I have come to the point where I want to make that public display of my faith to show others what Jesus means to me. Prayers for this would be most welcomed.
Gap Year planning is going very slowly, I'm currently looking at two organisations doing christian gap years. They are and . I did apply to Project Trust but sadly was not selected by them, however a number of the friends I made on selection have been and I wish them the very best of luck and pray that God will bless them on their amazing journeys. I pray that they might be safe and sound in the knowledge that God is watching over them as they fundraise and as they prepare to leave next September. I had great fun on selection with you guys so God bless and may you come back enriched by the experience.
I'm gonna leave you with some lyrics that I feel depict what I feel at the moment. (The silly thing messed the formatting up!)
SUM 41 - In Too Deep
The faster we're falling, We're stopping and stalling. We're running in circles again, Just as things we're looking up, You said it wasn't good enough. But still we're trying one more time.
Maybe we're just trying to hard. When really it's closer than it is too far
Cause I'm in too deep, and I'm trying to keep, All the thoughts in my head, instead of going under. Cause I'm in too deep, and I'm trying to keep, All the thoughts in my head, instead of going under. Instead of going under.
Seems like each time I'm with you I loose my mind,Because I'm bending over backwards to relate. It's one thing to complain, But when you're driving me insane, Well then I think it's time that we took a break.
Maybe we're just trying to hard. When really it's closer than it is too far.
Cause I'm in too deep, and I'm trying to keep, All the thoughts in my head, instead of going under. Cause I'm in too deep, and I'm trying to keep, All the thoughts in my head, instead of going under.Instead of going under.
Instead of going under.
I can't sit back and wonder why.It took so long for this to die.And I hate it when you fake it.You can't hide it you might as well embrace it. So believe me it's not easy. It seems that something's telling me,
I'm in too deep, and I'm trying to keep, All the thoughts in my head, instead of going under. Cause I'm in too deep, and I'm trying to keep, All the thoughts in my head, instead of going under.
Instead of going under. instead of going under. instead of going under again. instead of going under. instead of going under again. instead of going under again.
Why does everything always happen at the same time? Then Snowball and create monster problems for me, usually ending up in a mammoth argument between me and my mom!
If there was ever a time I felt like running, it would be now but I'm gonna stay and face the music I guess. My life is so messed up! Gah I'm whining again! Anyhoo.
Okay, thats all for now folks, check back soon for more updates.
May God bless you and inspire you always!
Yours in randomness!
xxx <'}}}-<>