Wor Fither God, Ye encorcle us with your greet love,
through Jesus, wor mate and master.
Wu thank ye for aall your goodness to us -
this baarry coounty in which wu live,
the delights of pipin' an' patterin'
As membors of your family on orth.
keep us ivvor close by ee, we pray.
May wu thrive in the Holy Spirit
and bring your gud news to wor woorld
the day, the morn and aalways. Amen.
(c) Carol Dixon - March 2008
Standard English Version
Our Father God, you encircle us with your great love,
through Jesus our friend and master.
Thank you for all your goodness to us -
this beautiful county in which we live,
the delights of music making and talking with friends.
As members of your family on earth,
keep ys ever close to you, we pray.
May we grow in the Holy Spirit
and bring your good news to our world,
today, tomorrow and always. Amen.