Gah its 2:40am and I can't sleep. Still not sure whats causing these random bouts of insomnia but they keep happening. It's starting to annoy me now as I'm struggling to concentrate on things.
I hope it sorts itself out soon as I'm not convinced I'm doing my best work when I can only concentrate for small periods.
Depression has reared its rather unwelcome head again as well. I should really have been expecting it though with the onset of darker nights. SAD isn't much fun dear readers. Don't see any point in going back to the doctors as last time all they did was say that the waiting was too long and there was no point joining it as I would probably just get better anyway. I don't want to take anti-depressants either as it may just lead to dependency. There must be a natural way of treating this that doesn't involve swallowing random chemicals...surely. I'm planning to go swimming tomorrow, exercise boosts endorphins which make you feel better apparently. Also I really NEED to do some exercise. I came to university with a nice toned stomach...a sprained knee, 4-5 weeks where it was too painful/inadvisable to exercise and 3kilograms approx of pasta later and I appear to have put on some weight and become slightly podgy. Wahhhhh! I worked hard on my once nice flat stomach! Ahh well, I'm starting to ease myself back into exercise so I'm hoping, fingers crossed, that I can regain it.
Other then that I can't think of much else to say in this bonsai tree is thriving, my desk/room is untidy again and I have clean clothes to wear tomorrow after doing a big wash this evening.
I shall say good night now and hope that I can sleep.
God bless