I thought I was too old for the rents to ground me, but seemingly I'm not. I'm currently grounded for the foresseable future or as they put it 'until I pull my finger out and start doing some work'. This means that I am banned from the computer unless working - although the school PC's allow this thru the filters so I shall keep people up to date with my life and stuff.
I'm heading out to Jesmond tonight for a Christian Union leadership evening thing. It's being run by Geoff Brown of the Scripture Union so it should be good. I'm quite excited about it. I'll report back about it probably on Monday.
I've been considering getting a tattoo for a long time now, I plan to get a styelised cross coming out of bleeding flesh over the scars I have on my ankle from self-harm. This is to symbolise the way in which my faith in Jesus Christ has put me on the road to recovery and that with His help I can beat it completly.
I am however aware that my parents are against the idea, so as the bible says to honour your mother and father, I shall be waiting untill I have left home. While I am under their roof I shall abide by their rules even if this means I have to wait to get this tattoo.
One of the arguments I've been given against getting a tattoo is that my body is a temple and as such I should not graffiti the walls...I shall respond to this by saying, yes my body is a temple and as such I wish to hang beautiful art dedicated to my Lord Jesus on its walls in hounour of what He has done for me.
Alright it's official, language aquisition is one of the dullest things on the entire syllabus as far as I'm concerned! It makes little sense and I suspect that if I am forced to watch any more videos of cute, adorable little children making cute, adorable mistakes I shall puke! I have three lessons a week on Lang Aquisition and its becoming over kill! They may well have been cute and adorable to begin with but now they are just annoying! They are a pain to transcribe and mostly just babble innanely! Grrrrrrrrr!
Wow! Our school actually remembered to observe it today! *applauds* Actually interestingly us sixth formers in the Library were already observing it when the tannoy asked us to, the clock in the library is fast apparently, but the fact is that we observed it unprompted. Everyone stood up and stayed scilent, the only noise was the storm raging outside. Typical Stormy Autumn day, gusts of up to 70mph! and lashing rain is forcast for later.
If you haven't discovered LaunchCAST radio yet, where have you been! If you have a yahoo Username then you can get started straight away! If not just register for a username! Just head over to if your in the UK or to for everyone else! You can personalise your own station by rating music around Launch, as well as being able to listen to preprogrammed stations and being able to watch a personalised video station! It's awesome, and there is practically every style of music available! And no I am not being paid to advertise them :P I just wanna share the joys of Launch. So yeah! Go check, Go check!
The Darkness are coming to Newcastle again! This time with new bassist, The Spider, orginally Dan's Guitar tech! Tickets went on sale today for ... alot of money which I dont have :( Typical! I bet they are sold out by the time I get the money lol. Ah well, I have seen them once before when Frankie was the bassist! So I can't really complain but still! It's The Darkness!
My website is currently undergoing a major rehaul and revamp, which I hope to have finished by the end of this year. I am streamlining it and creating a more mature design to it as well as removing those awful frames and clashing colours! I've learnt alot about site desgin over the last year or two and I'm trying to apply them to my site.
Current status: 4 and a half sections to finish - they are 'About me', 'photos', 'Young Carer', 'Links' and 'Enjoy Meat?'
Need to get my guest book up an running again
Young Carers section may take awhile and consequently might launch the rest of the site while I work on this section.
Considering a section on 'Self-harm' but this is very much on the drawing board.
A news section is a possibility although I may just link to this blog spot as I can edit it anywhere.
When I turn 18 at Christmas, I'm going to sign up for Googles 'Adsense' in the hope that my site might actually generate enough to buy a proper domain name. *fingers crossed*
- Need to re-do Pete's memorial page
MY LYRICS OF THE DAY - Disciple - Rise Up
I will not stand silently by as you mock and curse my GodStand against Him; you will be brought down Here I come; I’m bout to rise up All of my people, we’re ‘bout to rise up Here we come now, we’re ‘bout to rise up. All of my people, we’re bout rise up. You bark accusations that paralyze my brothers in fear.Only a small spark starts an unquenchable fire. - Christian, Heavy Metal! Rooawwrrr!
Running Box total = 323
Okay thats all for now folks!
In His hands.
God bless you and inspire you always!
Yours in randomness!
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