Why can't exam board produce interesting pre-release material?
I thought the Mars stuff might acuatlly be interesting, but no its as dull as a grey rat in a grey room under a grey sky!
The Bessie Smith stuff isn't any better! She was a black, bisexual blues singer in the 1920's and her songs are down right depressing!
Ahhh well I suppose thats just life lol, I'm on my second coffee of the day already and its only 11 O'clock. My exam starts in two hours time...joy! ahh well I can only go in there and do my best.
My peace will be found in God above, his love surrounds me and comforts me. I do not fear this exam like I thought I would.
For He is a wonderful consellor and mighty saviour, with Him by my side I can look the world right in the eye.
May God bless you and inspire you always!
Yours in randomness!