The Great Canadian Goth Hunt!

I am so completly and utterly sick of the sheer volume of finger pointing that is going on right now!
Yes the girl involved in the triple murder in Alberta was a member of as was her boyfriend and partner in crime but this does not mean that the goth subculture is evil in anyway.
We are sick of being used as a scapegoat culture for every ill that happens in this world. You fear us because we are different, you fear the aesthetic, yet look a little closer and you will find a culture of empathic animal lovers who campaign for causes like 'Make Poverty History' and 'PETA'. A subculture of vegetarians/vegans who have alot to thank the Hippies for. A generation of people who will grow up in general to be outstanding pillars of this world as lawyers, doctors and accountants.
Yes the subculture has a prehaps unhealthy interest in fantasy creatures of the night but it does not make us murders!
We are a subculture that accepts those people who you 'normal' people reject, freaks, geeks and loners, those who seek someone to love them and accept who they are as an individual.
Please people think before you point the finger, look a little closer and see what you will find below the aesthetic looks.
Yours in irate randomness!

And so it continues with articles like this from the edmunton sun determined to use Goth as a scapegoat for society's ills