The start of December saw Genevieve and my mom head up to Dundee so that Genevieve could take part in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to aid the healing of her spine. This at some rate seems to have been a useful excercise. The wound on her back is apparently experienceing 'over-granualisation' meaning its healing at a faster rate then expected! Which is awesome!
This month also saw Genevieve and myself turn 18 - how the years have passed! Geeves was at school for most of the day so a group of friends and myself went to the cinema to watch the new HP Sauce film, not one of the best of the series I must was awfully fast paced and soo much had been missed out to squeeze it into the hour an a half, I'm hoping and praying that when it comes out on DVD there might be a 'full' version or directors cut version so that we can watch the whole thing rather then what they can squeeze into the time slot. *shakes fist at director* I think they would have been better making it into two films or something, or maybe having the lead up to the 4 tasks as a short before the film, then having an interval and then having the 4 tasks. Bah Humbug! It coulda been an awesome film but instead it was a mediocre although the bit where the two boys are hit by a cross "chemistry" teacher is hilarious, not that I'm condoning violence, but that "Chemistry" teacher is my favourite character and there wasn't nearly enough of him in this film.
Anyhooo....I'm rambling, after the film we all came back to my house where there was munchies such as pizza and dips and shall we just say 'beverages to embibe' :P it is after all all legal and above board in this country now - w00t!
Then we had chocolate cake in the shape of a hedgehog! And the best bit? was that it had white chocolate buttons for its spines, funky or what!
Once we had digested cake and food etc, we opened presents and I think I can safely say I had one of the best birthdays ever! I received from my parents a DAB digital radio as well as new snowboard bindings! I can't wait to test them out in February when we go skiing/snowboarding at half term.
Once that was cleared up we played Twister under the mistletoe including extra rule that a kiss was to be exchanged should you end up face to face underneath the mistletoe...lets just say that twister can lead to some very interesting photographs. (apologies for quality of pics, they were taken on my mobile phone)

It snowed here the other day! Okay so its only about two cm worth and its all melting now but still we atleast had some snow! Some places in the UK had up to 8 inches of the stuff, shame we didn't get that much but I suppose I can't really grumble, after all we did get some in the end. Its raining now as the temperatures rise making the whole place look really rather depressing but hey ho, chin up. Check out the Christmas tree in Morpeth all covered in Snow and looking very festive.
Anyway I think that about rounds this post up, If you made it this far congratulations are in order, that was a bit of a long post to put it mildly lol. Heres to hopeing you had a good Christmas and we shall speak again in the new year! Look out 2006 here we come!
May God bless you and inspire you always!
Yours in randomness!
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