This is a photograph of one of the swans on the River Wansbeck. These swans had signets for the first time in 40 years in the Morpeth area.
The signets are now rather large and starting to show flecks of white in amongst the brown fluff. Its been really exciting to see swans breeding in Morpeth. There has got to be few things that rival signets in the cute stakes when they are newborn.
I'm really pleased with how this photograph turned out, I played with the contrast slightly in photoshop to achieve chiaroscuro which is a term I didn't know until a couple of days ago when someone commented on the pic on DevART. n.
Chiaroscuro: [It., lit., clear, dark < L. clarus, clear + obscurus, dark] 1. the treatment of light and dark in a painting, drawing, etc., to produce the illusion of depth, a dramatic effect, etc. 2. a style of painting, drawing, etc., emphasizing such treatment. 3. a painting, drawing, etc. in which chiroscuro is used.
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