HTML - Level 1

I just scripted my first HTML page! It isn't live yet or anything fancy but I opened it in Firefox and Internet Explorer and it worked!
Oh and I'm finished my Philosophy exams! I never ever have to do philosophy again! *dances* Only two exams left now
Blessed Be,

Deny Thine coward God...

I serve the God who has held Victory from the very beginning of time.

Enough apologizing and trembing in fear "christians." I deny your Coward God and embrace the God our Sacred Scriptures proclaim. Stop wasting my time with your political holier-than-thou pious hypocrisy. Stand up and be counted in His name. Move foward unafraid of the Darkness. I can take your cowardly weakness no more!

Oh but I'm afraid of the television, of the radio, of school, of homosexuals. It is all so scary. What am I to do? Can't I just sit here and wait for something to be placed in my lap in the safety of my little corner where I can ignore the evil?

NO! Face the Darkness. The world is filled with wolves but Man can only rend Flesh, your Soul is forever. We are the Light of the world. Stop hiding under the wicker basket.

Hail to the Inner Light.

I deny the lie of your Coward God and embrace the I AM of scripture.

We are called to be lights in the darkness, called to spread the good news, isn't it about time we stood up and were counted amongst the true believers? Unafraid of being judged by the world, living to hear the words "Well done good and faithful servant"