Mocha alla RandomGoth

Mocha alla RandomGoth
Need that mocha but aren't anywhere near a Starbucks, Tim Hortons or Costa Coffee? Well this entry should aid you in your quest for that perfect cup of home brewed coffee.
Okay to make Mocha alla RandomGoth you will need:
  • Instant coffee granules - too taste (this depends on how strong you like your coffee, I reccommend 1 tablespoon of coffee. What type of coffee? Dosen't matter - this was made orginally with Nescafe Gold Blend as it was all my rents had in the house - please if you can use FAIR TRADE)
  • One table spoon of unsweetend cocoa powder - (again doesn't matter what variety - I used Rowntrees as thats what was in the cupboard)
  • One tablespoon plus two teaspoons of white sugar
  • Two teaspoons of Nesquick instant chocolate or a varient thereof - (Should you have no instant chocolate then substitute for half an additional tablespoon of cocoa and one and a half teaspoons of additional white sugar)
  • Two tablespoons of milk -( doesn't matter what type - I prefer semi-skimmed)

To enjoy simply mix the above ingriedents together with hot boiling water in a mug and enjoy.

Some tips:

  1. Don't leave this to get cold, its foul when cold!
  2. Don't eat/drink the gunk that you get at the very bottom, it will make you shudder all over and go ewwww. Don't say you were not warned!

(C) RandomGoth Inc. 2005. Please don't steal my recipe without crediting me in some way!

I hope you get much bliss from drinking this coffee. As a favour for imparting this please abide by my copyright rule, I've been working on this for months! Grrr If you break it I will set my fierce cat Thor on you...don't invoke the wrath of Thor, you will regret it!

God bless you and inspire you always.

Yours in randomness!



The Reluctant Sudokuist

The Reluctant Sudokuist
Yep okay, I guess I'm a little hypocritical - I said a couple of weeks back to some of my friends that I couldn't stand sodokus...however I feel I must eat my hat here.
I have discoverd the joy of the sudoku puzzle having been shown how to do them by my mom. She sat down and went how to do them with me and now I am officialy addicted!
Sites reccommended by various people...
I prefer the first site personally.
My record currently stands at 12 minutes 44 seconds on Easy.
Thats all for the moment folks
God bless you and inspire you always!
Yours in randomness!